About This Web Site This web site was written largely by the MCA secretary treasurer, Norm Smith. It is intended as an extension of the quarterly MCA newsletter for which the secretary treasurer is responsible. The site is not very eye-catching and is very plainly done for two reasons. First, this writer has limited experience in creating web sites. Second, we are not really selling anything. In fact, we think of the work of MCA as rather dull work that simply needs to be done. The very plain format seems in keeping with this view. Some have asked why we don't have "SDA" in the name of our organization. The reason is that we understand that that name is a trademark or copyrighted or something of that nature. We understand that the General Conference is rather touchy about anyone other than "official" church groups using that name as part of their name. This web site is the only web site sponsored by MCA. Other sites have copied some letters sent by some groups in MCA. MCA offers no endorsement of the material on such web sites or of the goals of the organizations sponsoring them. As one can see this web site is still in work. We intend to keep working on it and extending it for a long time. Suggestions for improvements are appreciated.